PIXNET Local Path at Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna

The PIXNET local path consists of a University Masters – 1st level degree and is offered entirely by Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna along the academic years 2020/21 and 2021/22. The Master’s takes place at the Institute of Communication, Information and Perception Technologies (hereafter “TeCIP”) – of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa.

The Master’s Study programme, in both local and international version, consists of four semesters. 30 ECTS can be secured in each semester, amounting to a total of 120 ECTS. The first three semesters are based on traditional courses, laboratory exercise and sessions, while the final semester is based on independent work related to the Master’s thesis.

The PIXNET local path takes place entirely at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (Pisa, Italy) and its classes will be shared with those students following the international path. The first three semesters consists of 900 hours (90 ECTS) of class lectures and lab training and are propaedeutic to the last semester. The objective of this first period is the transmission of competences through front teaching, lab training, stand-alone review of material and specialised seminars by universities and industry-representative researchers. The entire training programme at the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna for the first three semesters is available in the Study section.

The fourth (and final) semester envisions the original development and relevant preparation of a written dissertation (Master’s thesis) developed in the laboratories of the TeCIP Institute Labs. This period has the scope to complement the in-class training with an operative direct experience, in which the competence acquired during the previous three semesters can be efficiently exercised. The Master’s thesis may also be developed in the laboratories of associated partners. The Master’s thesis has an overall duration of approximately 750 hours and provides up to 30 University Credits. The course portfolio of the PIXNET Master’s local path constitutes the set of courses that can be taken during the sojourn at the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna within the framework of the PIXNET Erasmus Mundus international path.

Degree awarded

Successful completion of PIXNET local path entitles students, who have attended at least 80% of the entire teaching programme and who have gained 120 ECTS, to receive, from the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, a University Master’s – 1st level degree, stating the gained University credits, in accordance with art. 3 of D.M. 207/2004. This Master’s Diploma alone is not valid, in Italy, as a qualification to gain access to an Italian PhD program.

InstitutionDegree Awarded
Scuola Superiore Sant'AnnaMasters on Photonic Integrated Circuits, Sensors and NETworks (University Master’s – 1st level degree)

Admission Requirements and Application Procedure

Admission Requirements are the same of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree.

All Applicants to the local and international paths must enter their application exclusively on-line, following the Application Procedure instructions. Applicants must first make a choice regarding one or more of the types of application they want to pursue: local path, international path without scholarship, international path with scholarship.

Tuition fees

Tuition fees are set to € 1.500,00 per semester (inclusive of lecture attendance, educational materials and tutorship during Master’s thesis preparation). The logistics and travel expenses are to be borne by each participant. The Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna will provide health and accident insurance for the entire period of the Master’s.

The students who receives the scholarship (see paragraph below) by the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna will benefit from a tuition fee waiver and an annual contribution of € 6.000,00 for board and lodging.


In order to encourage the participation of deserving applicants, the TeCIP Institute makes one scholarship available for the first year of the Programme, reserved to the first-ranked applicants. The scholarship covers the annual tuition fee to the Master’s (including national health and accident insurance), and provides a support of an annual support of € 6.000,00 for the board and lodging of the awarded student. For the second year of the Master’s Programme, the TeCIP Institute makes available one scholarship reserved to the student who registers the best academic performance in the first academic year. The scholarship offers in the same benefits as that of the first year grant.


All applications to the PIXNET Masters and scholarship local path must be submitted according to the requirements and procedures established, by the following deadline:

7th April 2020 (11.59 am Italian Local Time)

Internal Regulations for the Students

Internal Regulations for the Students of the First Level Master in Photonic Integrated Circuits, Sensors and Networks (PIXNET)- A.Y. 2019/2021 are available HERE.

This page was last modified on 25  May 2020